Warm jackets distributed for 193 people
Funded by: Mr. Lugauer & Mrs. M.J.Lugauer, Mr. Guido Schnitzer & Karin Gandler
Basa is an isolated remote village in Solukhumbu. The people at Basa are relying on the agricultural and tourism profession. Most of the young people working in tourism as guides, cook, helper, and porters, and the women who cannot go high in the mountains, work at home or village. Agricultural work does not supply sufficient economic necessity in Basa, in part, they need to have side work for monetary income. That money is being used for buying clothes and other familiar support. Unfortunately, Covide-19 appeared across the whole world that had badly affected the economic sector at Basa rather than sickness. People could not work in tourism and the agricultural product itself could hold every necessity. The summer season is comfortable weather at Basa but the winter is cold.
Because of the lockdown, people had not enough money to buy relevant clothes for winter. So that our friends Mr. Lugauer & Mrs. M.J.Lugauer, Mr. Guido Schnitzer & Karin Gandlerfrom Tirol in Austria have donated money for warm and comfortable jacket distribution. Jackets were distributed to 193 people, they were senior citizens, widows, handicapped, and disabled people. This was the best and most rewarding contribution during hardship conditions.